Monday, September 10, 2012

The best free, juicy Tokyo blog

Hello Everyone!

It's been quite a bit of time since my last adventure to Japan, however I still constantly get questions from fellow YouTube viewers, friends, and random Internet-dwellers.

Finally, I've decided I shouldn't hide this information since I'm currently in the working world in the US atm and don't have a chance to exploit all my little acquired pro tips and should just share them with all the rest of you. It's more of a pay it forward to all of the amazing people who helped me along the way (and yes, I'm spiritual and pretty sure a slew of miracles happened along the way) and I want everyone to experience this at least once in your life. I'm no goody-two shoes, in fact often I'd try to bend the rules so perhaps that's what made it interesting. I didn't do anything illegal but I was around people from other countries who just have different morals than Americans so they had pretty good stories. Although I wouldn't recommend any marijuana. I don't smoke but I heard someone who did got deported. That would just be terrible.. 

To this day I haven't seen any blog, YouTube, or site that truly shares the experiences I had / discoveries to be had... Perhaps I just haven't looked hard enough but I can guarantee you that you will find some golden tips for your travels, and at the very least get some good stories along the way.

I still have many friends who are there teaching or in graduate school or some other position to make a few bucks on the fly while basking in the sweet craziness that is Japan. 

Just a few of the juicy tid-bits I plan to share here, that you may not find anywhere else. Also to note, I am extremely colorful and don't plan to water any of these stories down like you may see in general boring sites (no offense, I just plan to speak my mind here).

-Travel tips
-Secrets no one will tell you (ie: working under the counter)
-How to get to Japan via study abroad
-What to expect
-How to save money
-How to eat on the cheap
-Where to go in Tokyo
-How teaching in Japan on the fly really works
-Ways to make money 
-Places to get cheap(er) cosplay outfits
-Best bathrooms 
-Romance.. And more!!

I'd love to write this all in a book and make a profit, but I love hearing from readers-- if you read any of this and are inspired / find it helpful please help support me by donating or clicking a few of the ad links. Helps me justify in my mind and a tad bit motivating for me to continue writing pro bono.

Many thanks to all of you for your support-- I hope you enjoy!!!



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